What You Need For Class

Why is a uniform important?⤵

How Should Hair Be Done for Ballet Classes?

An important part of the uniform in ballet is that hair is required to be in a ballet bun. Ponytails are not an acceptable alternative. You can find videos on how to make a bun here and here, as well as specific instructions on how to make one with short hair. If your child is coming straight from school and can't make a bun in the car, it is recommended that they put their hair up before they go to school.

What about Pointe Shoes?

Due to the complexity of pointe shoe fitting, and the precision needed to ensure safety during pointework, we strongly recommend that dancers make time to visit a specialist.

We recommend Metronome Dancewear in Carmel.

Free Dress Days

On Tuesdays throughout the season, dancers are allowed to dress in non-uniform leotards. Bear in mind that "free dress" isn't quite as free as it sounds—dancers should still come to class in a leotard and tights and without any jewelry, but they can wear leotards and tights in different styles, patterns, and colors on these days.

Why is the Uniform Important?

Wearing a uniform helps create a sense of unity among our students and allows them to fully immerse themselves in the dance experience. Additionally, it provides a safe and practical environment for dancers to move freely without any hindrances.

Wearing the dance class uniform also helps our instructors in assessing and correcting posture, alignment, and technique more effectively. It allows them to observe each dancer's movements clearly and offer personalized guidance to ensure proper form and development. By ensuring that all students come to class in the proper uniform, we can maintain a focused and productive learning environment for all dancers.